Poet Irizelma Robles and photographer Adál Maldonado joined talents to document–both in image and words–the collective portrait and the current spectrum of the Puerto Rican poetry. This trans-generational perspective brought together 38 poets whose approaches provide a wide variation of the individual issues that affect them. However, as a whole, the entire collection has an atmosphere of many topics that concern the Puerto Rican people: gender, sexuality, time (included the process of aging), migration (language and culture clash), and vulnerability–in my case–a eye condition.
In “autor.retrato” (a pun that combines the self-portrait and the relationship between an author and his portrait) I address the complication of facing the world as a person with antimetropia, since my eyes do not collaborate to create a single image. But I also focus in the bright of having, literally, two points of view.
Cuerpo del poema was published last year by the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.